Biswap (BSW)

Biswap (BSW) Price

INR:- ₹5.24 8.09 % USD:- $0.06 8.09 %
BSW मार्केट कैप ₹3.02 Cr
BSW फुली डाइल्यूटेड वैल्यूएशन ₹4.24 Cr
BSW सर्कुलेटिंग सप्लाई 498,978,200.00
BSW टोटल सप्लाई 576,898,100.00
BSW मैक्स सप्लाई 700,000,000.00
Ethereum Binance-smart-chain-- 0x965f527d9159dce628...

Biswap News (BSW News)










Coin Biswap

What Is Biswap (BSW)

Biswap (BSW) is a decentralised exchange (DEX) on Binance Smart Chain for BEP-20 tokens (BSC). Biswap promises to have the lowest transaction fees of any BSC exchange at 0.1% and to be committed to innovation in DeFi through its high-quality products and services. It has a referral system that lets people invite their friends and earn money from farms, launch pools, swaps, and a lottery.

Biswap's main products are things like an AMM, liquidity pools, yield farming, an NFT marketplace, and an IDO launchpad, which are all standard DEX features.

Biswap also announced a $10 million global incentive programme to get BSC projects to work together. Partners can expect to get 90% of their fees back, to farm pairs with BSW, to have a launch pool, to get help with marketing, and to get grants for security audits and project development.

Biswap was started in 2021, and its website says that it has a team of 27 people. All of the team members have fake names and are only shown on the site as comic avatars. The CEO is "EK," who is said to have been in the crypto space for seven years. Almost everyone on the Biswap team says they have several years of experience in their field, but they don't say what that experience is. Biswap doesn't say who its investors might be.

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