वर्क प्रोफाइल:
Hindi News Writer
पर्सनल प्रोफाइल:
Hindi Content Writer
जुड़ी हुई परियोजनाएं:
Coin Gabbar
रूचि/ शौक :
Cricket, Poetry, Mimicry
हमारे बारे में:
Rohit Tripathi is one of the most seasoned hands in CoinGabbar’s team with a writing experience of more than 9 years. Rohit has worked with different brands and played a key role in developing valuable and lasting content for the organizations. He has an exceptional eye for detail and understands the regional audience better than anyone in the business. Rohit is known for his witty satires, easy-to-understand blogs, and his passion for trends. Apart from writing extensively for brands, Rohit has also assisted the Madhya Pradesh Government with their Press Releases as a Public Relation Officer. Rohit loves to spend his spare time on a cricket pitch and buying Sev as his favorite treat.

ब्लोग्स बाय ROHIT TRIPATHI

अदर ऑथर

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